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5 Quick Tips for Improving Your Oral Health This Holiday Season

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The holiday season is now making its way onto social calendars across the country, and Canadians are welcoming friends and family members for delicious holiday feasts. With the amount of sugary foods available at this time of year, and the limited timeframe in which to consider oral health matters, it’s important to understand how to maintain optimal oral care during this busy period. Here, we’ll focus on 5 quick tips for improving your oral health this coming holiday season.


1) Rinse Teeth after Eating


With larger meals often consumed this time of year, it’s critical that Canadians commit to regularly rinsing their mouth out with antibacterial products after eating. Canadians with limited access to a bathroom and rinsing products after eating might also consider chewing gum to increase their saliva flow after eating. This increased saliva flow helps naturally wash away bacteria and neutralize acids that erode enamel.


2) Cut Down on Acidic Products


Products such as wine and sweets can dissolve the minerals that are essential for maintaining healthy teeth. To keep teeth white and healthy this holiday season, it’s important to reduce consumption of acidic products as much as possible. When consuming such products, it’s important to brush an hour after the meal has been completed to avoid the staining and enamel damage these products cause.


3) Clean your Tongue


The tongue is one of the most common areas for plaque build-up in the mouth. Canadians that clean their tongue can not only help eliminate a leading source of enamel erosion but also improve their breath!  It’s important to speak with a dental health professional about the various tongue scraping products on the market.


4) Drink Lots of Water


Canadians that drink a lot of water during the holiday season can keep their teeth healthy throughout. Drinking water helps flush some of the bacteria and irritants from the mouth and through the system. It’s also critical to achieving a healthy lifestyle in the long-term future.


5) Stay Away from Hard Candy


A cracked or broken tooth can be a painful memory of a delicious holiday feast. This means it’s best to avoid those hard candy products that can be a haunting Halloween reminder. For those with a sweet tooth, softer, chewable sugary treats should be sought out. But as with any diet, the most important element is moderation.


It can be difficult to stay on track with oral health with so many devilishly delicious treats available during the holiday season. But those who remain vigilant can prevent the pain and annoyances that teeth issues bring. By creating a focused and well-planned oral health care regimen, all Canadians can enjoy a fun and memorable 2014 holiday season. 

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